Friday, October 24, 2014

Seven Deadly Sins

PRIDE : "The proud peacock ruffles its royal feathers"

Internationally renowned jewelry designer  Stephen Webster  has done it again.
This time with a set of cocktail rings representing the seven deadly sins; 
Pride, Greed, Envy, Wrath, Lust, Gluttony and Sloth. 
The set was created a couple of years back, but I just came across them the other day!
Their prices range from £15,000 to £98,000 and there are only 7 editions of each ring.  
AKA the chances of me getting one are...... let's say "slim".

These creations are far too beautiful to be considered ordinary dining-room additions.
He managed to build a completely unique look for each one of the sins -- creatively utilizing specific color schemes and symbols in order to represent each sin accurately.

ENVY : "The green eye of envy is all seeing"

GLUTTONY : "In its gaping glory the gargantuan mouth remains unsatisfied"

GREED : "For the love of money is the root of all evil"

LUST : "A desire that burns, inciting desperate hands to grasp gratuitously"

SLOTH : "A plush pink pillow of passivity absorbs wasted talents and gifts"

WRATH : "Red rage is offered in a guise by the hand that provokes the spark"

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