Friday, April 29, 2011

Vinyl Records

             Some of my favorite musicals' vintage records sent to me for my birthday by Ion.  One of the most thoughtful and amazing presents I've ever received.  Luckily one of my best friends here has a record player, and I am excited to try to play them!  They also make sweet home decorations on my wall.


 Fiddler On The Roof, South Pacific, West Side Story

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Flash Applet PREVIEW

                 We've been working on animations and flash applets in my Digital Art class.  Unfortunately I don't know how to embed the actual animation onto this blog, so I can only take screen captures of them.  Remember that these are interactive and fun!  It's just a simple screen shot of an awesome animation.  The first one is a simple code -- "Make Circles".  Wherever you move your mouse, a white ellipse (circle) with a black outline will follow.  The second was much harder;  I incorporated random generators and flash coding and was able to create a pretty Christmas animation.  The "star" on top of the Christmas tree follows around your mouse.

                  DIGITAL ARTのクラスの新しい宿題を見てください!今回は動くアニメーションを作ってみました。最初の方はパソコンのモウスを動かして白い丸の形を作るプログラムを作りました。そのコードはとても単純で早く出来ました。でも次の方はクリスマスのテーマで、パソコンのマウスを動かしてクリスマストリーが着いてくるアニメーションです!どうやってこのブログに入れるのかがまだ分からないので、アニメーションの写真をとってここにアップロードしました。いつか全体的に見せてあげたいので頑張ります!

The circles in the background flash, the "presents" are stationary, and the tree follows the mouse!

Paul Dateh & Ken Belcher

               Paul Dateh and Ken Belcher came to Pitzer College to perform for "One Beat For Japan" -- a benefit concert to raise money and awareness for the earthquake in Japan.  There were dance performances, songs, and music.  Paul was definitely my favorite act of the night.  He is a ridiculously talented violinist, and on top of that a jaw-droppingly amazing singer.  Check him out!!

Paul Dateh, award winning songwriter & hip hop violinist with Guitarist Ken Belcher
"Originally, Paul Dateh was only supposed to be a violinist. Beginning his violin studies at the age of four, it seemed that Dateh’s future in the classical industry was set in stone. But, on his first day at The University of Southern California’s Thornton School of Music, Dateh suddenly dropped his major in Violin Performance and instead enrolled in the Jazz Studies Vocal program instead. The move shocked his colleagues as it was hard to understand why anyone would walk away from fourteen years of classical training to begin learning an entirely new musical discipline. But, Dateh knew that he wanted to be more than just a classical instrumentalist; his goal was to become a musician, in every possible way.  Since first appearing on the music scene three years ago, singer and violinist Paul Dateh has gone on to garner millions of views on the web as well as national exposure on television and in print. Dateh has since released two records: a self-titled record issued in January of 2009, and “The Good Life” – a collaborative EP with guitarist Ken Belcher. In 2010, Dateh scored his first short film (The LXD: Chapter 10 – I Seen a Man) distributed by Paramount Digital Entertainment."

Big Jet Plane

They were Coachella 2011, and I was super upset that I couldn't go see them.
Most calming music ever. Brilliant video too.

Distributed in the US by WMG.

"Big Jet Plane" by Angus and Julia Stone from Down The Way. Directed by Kiku Ohe. As heard in Maybelline commercials.

Download on iTunes:


Sunday, April 24, 2011

White Swan

Lolly Jane Blue - White Swan - Sil van der Woerd
An exhausted, shivering girl is captured in a dark machinery world. As she escapes in to her imagination, a mesmerizing world unfolds.

Filmed backwards with cotton candy!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Birthday Surprises

今日MAIL ROOMに行ってみたら新しい手紙が届いてました。外の見た目はきれいなゴールドな封筒、可愛い英語、と素敵な切手。裏を見ると、おばあーちゃんの手書きだ!開けてみるときれいなカード。20歳の誕生日のメッセージ。うれしい!!



友人のShimon Miyamotoからもサプライズープレゼントが届きました!嬉しすぎてたまらない!Valentine's Dayの時も花とチョコを送ってくれました。大好きなお友達です。

20th Birthday
Valentine's Day

Monday, April 18, 2011

"You Always Make Me Smile"

Best viewed in HD / 720p!

                 The official music video for "You Always Make Me Smile" by Kyle Andrews, filmed in Provo, UT in July 2010. 4,000 people! 120,000 balloons (all biodegradable, filled with non-potable irrigation water)! World record for the largest water balloon fight (pending final approval from Guinness)!

Processing Patterns

            Continuation of the programming tool called "Processing" in my Digital Art I class.  (C++ and Java as the language.)  Second assignment was to use repetition, coding, and mathematical logarithms to create patterns.  The color gradient is created by hundreds of ellipses (circles), all different colors.  There is no one block of color that makes "gradients".  The assignment was fun, but it was a lot of trial and error. 


 Again: "super-fun" coding! This time more mathmatical/logical codes.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Bon appetit!

"Food Flags is a series of ads promoting Sydney International Food Festival in which national emblems were made out of edibles indigenous to the country it represents. They’ve creatively used these images to advertise the international aspect to their festival which took place in October 2009." (

AUSTRALIA : オーストラリア

FRANCE : フランス

GREECE : ギリシャ

INDIA : インド

ITALIA : イタリア

JAPAN : 日本!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Kathy Ostman-Magnusen

美しい作品。Beautiful work.

                 "Renowned artist Kathy Ostman-Magnusen lives on the island of Hawaii where she paints and sculpts. Her wonderful figurative work has been shown and celebrated through the islands and the world. Kathy's painting are available as high quality giclees and well an reasonably priced art prints. Check out the store to get the images on clothing, journals and many other items."

Bed Of Dreams : 夢のベッド

Stealing Saturn : 土星のどろぼう

Swan Song : 白鳥の歌

The Mask : 仮面

Testing the Climate : 天気をためす

Passages : 道

The Journey : 旅

Beginning : はじめ

Site and all artwork copyright 2006 Kathy Ostman-Magnusen


Tuesday, April 12, 2011

International Festival 2011

             This past weekend was the International Festival 2011 at the Claremont Colleges!  Every year they have a mini-bazaar style festival with booths from all the different countries represented at the Claremont Colleges.  It reminded me a lot of the Seisen Bazaar back home!  (Although I must say Seisen's was more intense with many more countries, and a larger variety of foods.)  Still I had a great time.  I helped out with the Japanese booth (barely - but still a little!) All the money raised at the booth that day was sent to Sendai to a volunteer charity.  Also, at the corner of the booth we had painted a Japanese flag on which people could write a message.  (We encouraged them to write in their native language and we had a handful of interesting ones!!)  The flag will be sent to a middle-school in Sendai.  I hope they like it :)

            今週末は学校でINTERNATIONAL FESTIVALでした。それぞれの国から色々な食べ物や、飲み物、それから音楽やショーがありました!私は日本の屋台で働きました。今回日本のブースが集めたお金は全部仙台のボランティアに送ります!その上、日本の旗を作って、みんなにサインやメッセージを書いてもらいました。この旗は仙台の中学校に送ります。楽しみです〜

Making the Japanese "map" with faces of Japanese children.

The Booth!

Finished Japan "map" and information on the earthquake/tsunami.



            We've just started using a programming tool called "Processing" in my Digital Art I class.  We use C++ and Java as the language.  Having never done programming before, I was definitely nervous.  Luckily, it wasn't as hard as I thought!  The first assignment was to copy a robot off of our textbook, create it in programming, and alter it using different codes.  It was a rudimentary assignment to help us dive into the new language.  Here are my finish products!

            DIGITAL ART I のクラスで新しいプログラムを使ってます!PROCESSINGって言うコードや数字を使って絵やアニメーションを作るプログラムです。初めてなので、少し緊張したけど、以外と出来ました!今回の宿題は教科書に書いてあるロボットをまねしてPROCESSINGで作ってみる事。それが終わったらそのコードを少しづつ変えて新しいロボットを作る事!完成品をご覧ください〜

ORIGINAL ROBOT :教科書からのロボット
コードはこんな感じ!:The coding was strange....
Robot 2 : Black and White
Robot 3: NERDBOT : ガリ勉ロボット
バブルボット〜可愛いでしょ!:BUBBLEBOT!!  Such a cutie.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Fulvio Bonavia

"Works taken from A Matter of Taste, a book by an award-winning Italian photographer Fulvio Bonavia showcasing his conceptual photos of food as fashion – corn espadrilles, aubergine slippers, and a tagliatelle belt, for example." (

This looks like a real purse...



I would definitely wear these. And eat them.




Patterns, patterns, patterns!

 One Element, Many Patterns

1. Devise a single element, such as a dot, diamond, squiggle, or square.

2. Copy and repeat the element in columns or rows to make an overall pattern.

3. Vary the spacing of the elements in the rows to create variation.

4. Continue to create new variations by varying the size of the elements, by creating overlapping rows of elements, and changing the color, size, and orientation of elements.

Take your best 5 variations and print them each at tabloid size for critique


                   This weeks Digital Art assignment.  We had a similar one in the past, so I didn't really love this one!  It also didn't help that I was up until 4am the night before finishing it off... (#ProcrastinationFail)  The music-lover in me decided to use a Bass Clef symbol as my "shape".  I was able to create 5 completely different patterns.  What do you think?

                  今週のDIGITAL ARTの宿題は一つの小さい、シンプルな形を使って新しい模様を作る事。この前同じような宿題があったので、少しダルかったです。。でも完成品を見てください!音楽の大好きな私は低音部記号を使って五つの模様を作りました!

              I really like this one!                      自分ではこの模様が一番嫌い!!

This was the first one I made.


Can't believe these are just bass clefs rotated!  This is probably my favorite one.