Sunday, May 15, 2011

The Sirens Inside You

     For Fast Forward 2011: Spring Dance Concert I was lucky enough to be in two pieces.  One I choreographed with Avantika Saraogi (SC'13), and the other I was asked to be in by Emily Simmons (SC'14).  This was definitely one of my favorite dance pieces I've ever been in.  Emily has a real eye for symmetry and balance.  The entire piece was smooth and flawless.  I haven't done much modern dancing, so this was a fun challenge.  I fell in love with all the dancers and I look forward to working with them again next year! 

    今年のFAST FORWARD 2011: 春ダンスショーで私は二つのダンスに参加しました。一つ目は友達と作ったジャズダンスで、もう一つは他の友達(エミリ)が作ったモダンのダンスでした。エミリのダンスは本当にきれいで彼女が私を入れてくれた事をすごく感謝してます。私はモダンダンスはそんなにしてないので少し難しかったけど、みんな優しくって面白かったので今までのダンスの中で一番好きなダンスになりました!

Thanks Emily!

(ちょっとヘタクソな撮影。Badly filmed, but still worth it!)
Choreographer: Emily Simmons (SC'14)
Music: Crosses by Jose Gonzales
Dancers: Savannah Fitz (SC'13), Holly Kempler (PZ'13), Anya Leyha (SC'14), Elissa Rowe (PZ'13)

Attractive dancers.  美人なダンサーたち。

1 comment:

  1. WOW suggeeee- I liked that one part where you guys each take turns doing something different to everyone else. It was so smooth and flowy.
    Choo yokatta.
    Put up the one you choreographed!!

