Pirates Of the Caribbean 4: On Stranger Tides' Astrid Berges-Frisbey stars in the French Connection Advertisement. She played the part of a mermaid captured by the pirates.
I think she's unbelievably stunning.
パイレーツ・オブ・カリビアン/生命の泉で人魚のシレーナで出演してる アストリッド・ベルジュ=フリスベが新しくFRENCH CONNECTIONの広告に出てます!本当に美人なフランス人です。魔法をかけられたような。。。

I knooowwww!!! Yabai she's so pretty. French ka... She has such an "innocent" look. Even when she was showing her fangs during the movie. Was this the first movie she was in?