Tuesday, March 29, 2011


               One of my classes at Uni is Digital Art I (at Pomona).  This class is a basic fundamental introduction to using Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop to make various design projects.  Each week we are assigned two different topics, with a specific guideline to create a work of art.  This week our task was the following:

Calendar Grid

1. Create a spread in a two-page document. Aeach page is 7.5 x 7.5 inches.

2. Devise a weekly calendar system that devides each page into seven days, Use lines, shapes, and typography to mark and identity the space. Leave spave for a user to write down notes and appointments.

3. Think creatively about the underlying problem. The rythm and structure of the grid can be vertical or horizontal, refular or irregular, rectiliniear or diagonal.
(Yes the spelling mistakes are my teacher's...)

I thought it was a rather neat assignment!  I kept my work simple and clean-cut.  What do you think??

今通ってる大学のクラスの一つDIGITAL ART Iの宿題です!カレンダーをデザインして、二週間の日にちを入れる事。私はシンプルで簡単なデザインを作ってみました。どう思う?




Whilst thinking and researching ideas for the assignments, I stumbled upon these interesting Calendar designs done by various artists.  


Bubble popping!!

Flip book.



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